Dynamy Internship Year
Company Name:
Gap Program Name:
Dynamy Internship Year
United States of America
North America
Program Description (long):
Dynamy's Internship Year accepts young people, ages 17 to 22, from across the country for a nine month long residential program which includes full-time student internships, a wilderness expedition (Outward Bound), individual advising and mentoring, community service, group meetings, and optional college credit seminars through Clark University. Students are typically high school graduates, although the program is also attractive to students who have completed a year or two of college. Over 80% of Internship Year graduates proceed from this program onto—or back to—higher education.
Program Description (short):
Dynamy offers an exciting residential internship year for 17-22 year olds
Duration (weeks):
40 weeks
Min Cost:
Max Cost:
Program Type:
Paid Work:
Room & Board:
Financial Aid:
Highlights of the programs:
Dynamy Internship Year is a powerful mix of work, independent living, structure, and coaching including an 2 week Outward Bound course.
College Credit: