CU Seeking More Gap Year Students
Admissions director, Kevin Maclennan at the University of Colorado at Boulder endorses the 'gap year' option for incoming freshman. Mr. Maclennan was interviewed by Boulder Daily Camera in August. He indicated that students opting for a gap year before college are often granted deferrals by CU admissions counselors in those cases where the student can show their plans will help them succeed in college. "We definitley say 'yes' to those opportunities", he was quoted as saying. "We see that students, when they come back after that year, are really excited about formal education, and they hit the ground running." The article mentioned students' plans included working for Habitat for Humanity, studying music, traveling and improving their health. Kudos to Mr. Maclennan and the CU Admissions office for raising public awareness of the benefits of a gap year! This story demonstrates that the gap year option is definitley gaining acceptance in the US and becoming an important dimension in the college planning and admissions process. Explore our database of Gap Year Options