Cambodia Tropical Wildlife Conservation and Adventure Project - Frontier
Cambodia Tropical Wildlife Conservation and Adventure project is a Gap Year Program run by UK based Frontier, established in 1989 as a non-profit conservation and development non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem integrity and building sustainable livelihoods for marginalized communities in the world's poorest countries.
Read details below and click this link to visit Frontier for a full list of exceptional Gap Year adventures.
The Cambodia Tropical Wildlife Conservation and Adventure project aims to stop and prevent illegal logging and poaching occurring in Cambodia’s rainforests, by developing management plans in order to protect wildlife. The project explores and discovers the most threatened areas and assists in the design of conservation programmes for them.
During your gap year:
* You will be working on a biodiversity survey and training project in a community forest in the province of Oddar Meanchey.
* You will discover a wealth of species, some of which may be new to science or extinct elsewhere.
* You will survey endangered mammals and other fauna, searching for the tracks and signs of elusive species like the sun bear, Asian golden cat and tiger, and discovering a wealth of other wildlife
* You will discover the rich cultural heritage of the Angkor Empire with its blend of Buddhist and Hindu spiritualism epitomized by extraordinary and unmatched temple complexes and exquisite sculptures.
Application Deadline:
Placements are available throughout the year
Dates and Costs:
3 weeks $1800, 4 weeks $1995, 5 weeks $2400, 6 weeks, $2500, 8 weeks $2800, 10 weeks $3300, 20 weeks $4900
Visit Frontier for full details on this gap year adventure and many more.